Giegel Josh Aif2019

Josh Giegel

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Virgin Hyperloop One

Josh Giegel is co-founder and CTO of Virgin Hyperloop, where he leads a team of engineers making the hyperloop a reality. His background is in thermodynamics, heat transfer, compressible fluid mechanics, power cycles, turbomachinery, and nonlinear structural analysis, and he has a history in hardware-based development. Previously, Giegel led research activities at Echogen Power Systems, a start-up in the waste heat-to-power energy sector, where he was the sole inventor of four critical CO2 power cycles that significantly improved efficiency and lowered cost. Prior to Echogen, Giegel worked at SpaceX as lead analyst on six different successfully tested rocket engines, including the Merlin 1D and Super Draco family of engines.

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